
Every day, Off The Left Eye programming within the Swedenborg Foundation reaches thousands of people across the country and around the world through providing relevant and meaningful content related to the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Our team headed by host Curtis Childs provides thoughtful commentary on and real-life applications of spiritual ideas that connect with our community of viewers who can apply the thoughts and ideas to their own life stories.

This critical work is made possible by the contributions of individuals and institutions who believe in the shared mission to create a more informed public โ€” one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of personal and world events in the present day. Our donors are an integral part of our community and our ability to fulfill our mission.

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Here is a special thank you from our staff to all of our donors

There Are Many Meaningful Ways to Contribute

For direct gifts, monthly recurring gifts, gifts in memory or honor of someone or gifts to the OTLE Endowment fund, you can donate now through our secure online form.

Why Give

Your gift serves to provide our organization with the financial means to support the associated costs of our programming. This includes costs of production, promotion and marketing, user engagement, New Century Edition translation support content, and technical and administrative support. Your gift allows us to continue offering our programming without cost or restrictions to the public.

Other Giving Opportunities

For other ways you can support us like running your own fundraising campaign or if you would like information on planned giving options, reach out to Tim Bilger, Director of Development at 610-430-3222 x 101.

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Why We Do What We Do: A Message from Off The Left Eye Director Curtis Childs

See what drives so many to give!

Tribute Wall

When you give $25 or more, include a tribute to a loved one or words of gratitude and they will be included on our walls. Come back to see your own or browse what others have shared!